Sascha Kugler

Lawyer and Partner

Sascha Kugler, born in Berlin in 1976, was admitted to the Berlin bar in 2006. Before joining
LIGANT Rechtsanwälte und Notar in March 2020 he has been partner at Kugler & Weingärtner
Partnerschaft Rechtsanwälte in Berlin for 14 years.

Sascha Kugler has an extensive experience representing physicians and dentists as well as
hospital operators and health care providers in all aspects of medical and health care law. His
experience includes that he successfully completed the course to become a specialized solicitor
in that area in 2006.

Also specialized in traffic law he manages the vehicle fleets of various major organizations.
Sascha Kugler´s practice ranges from the initial acquisition of the cars until their return and
especially includes handling all accidents the cars are involved in.

Having been certified by DEKRA as specialist in data privacy law multiple major companies
contracted Sascha Kugler as their Data Protection Officer.

In addition to his law practice Sascha Kugler teaches health care and data privacy law and is
author in various legal journals.

Field of law
Health care and medical law
Medical criminal law
Vehicle fleet management
Data privacy law.


Ms. Kathrin Krause
Tel.: 030 880 340 61